Apple Loops Utility

Apple Loops Utility

Tagging window
Developer(s) Apple Inc.
Stable release 1.4
Operating system Mac OS X
Type Audio utility
License Proprietary

The Apple Loops Utility software is a small companion utility to Soundtrack Pro, GarageBand, Logic Express, and Logic Pro, all made by Apple Inc. Apple Loops Utility allows users to create loops of audio that can be time-stretched. Audio files converted to "Apple Loops" via the Apple Loops Utility can also be tagged with their publishing (Author, Comments, etc.) and musical information (Key, Tempo, etc.). Multiple files can be tagged at the same time, a process known as batch tagging. Apple Loops Utility can read both AIFF and WAV file formats, but it will convert the latter to AIFF when saved with tagging information.

The most recent version available without purchasing the aforementioned software is 1.3.1, available from Apple's Developer web site. Version 1.4, which is the first Universal Binary version of the software, is available with Logic Pro or Express 7.2. It allows multiple files to have multiple tags added to them, and it also allows content merging to occur with Logic Audio Express. Only version 1.4 will work natively with Intel Macs. Version 1.3.1 will appear to allow edits to be made and file information to be saved, but none of the essential tagging information will be retained on an Intel Mac.

External links and references